Thursday, July 27, 2006


Few single words immediately bring an idyllic rural scene to mind as well as "glen." It refers to a small valley, and is used most often to describe a place that's quite separated from civilization. The connotation is pleasingly green and soft, and it is perhaps because the combination of these, the seclusion and the pastoral nature, hints at a surrounding natural tableau, that the word is so strangely rich. I associate it with 19th Century English fiction for some reason, Thomas Hardy in particular, though I can't recall any particular instances. Perhaps the appropriateness I saw down to the letter in "serene" is making me force a similar comparison where there isn't one, but it seems to me that the "g" and "n" in today's word are just a touch harsher than the inclusive "le," creating, in some obscure way, a small valley.


Blogger Mo and The Purries said...

wow. you're being very poetic & pastoral this week.
Glen -- along with 'serene' -- words I'm gonna try to keep in mind today as I deal with the festival customers!
serene glen... serene glen...
serene glen...

July 27, 2006 10:04 AM  

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