Thursday, August 03, 2006


Here we have a gait, cocky and self-assured, legs thrown forward with reckless abandon, the body catching up reluctantly, as if embarrassed to be transported so ridiculously. For a walk to be correctly dubbed a "swagger," it helps that it be accompanied by an appropriately confident (perhaps even smug) facial expression; the swagger and the pout, for instance, are mutually exclusive. A single raised eyebrow helps. Cowboys, when they are not moseying, often swagger, as knights once did, when they were not strutting. The word is appropriate for its meaning: it sounds as if someone made it up on the spot, putting a couple of sounds together that stuck merely because they were pronounced so authoritatively by that first brave soul.

Sidenote: Apologies for the two days without words. I assure you the delay was not from any idleness on my part, but rather a result of an internet outage. Today I will catch up.


Blogger Mo and The Purries said...

Can't help but think of Johnny Depp's Captain Jack with the word swagger.
Avast, I'm glad yer back, matey!

August 03, 2006 11:34 AM  

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