Saturday, September 30, 2006


I do love these strange archaic words; this one's Middle English. A gleed is an ember, a piece of burning or glowing coal. I haven't much to say about it, as its definition is so simple and words this rare don't have much connotation to throw around or discuss. But I really wanted to include it, both because it fits into this week's theme and because it's just a cool word that almost sounds made up. Like "fust," though, it seems just right for its meaning; it's similar to "gleam," but the "d" sound at the end provides a bit of solidity for the referent. The word just sounds like something with a sparkle or a shine, something almost supernatural, with some strange life of its own. Fire is something like this, despite being so commonplace we often fail to appreciate its oddity and beauty.


Blogger Mo and The Purries said...

I must say, a word I've never heard of! The gleed of humanity flickering in my soul is pleased that a vocabulary word is thus added to my lexicon.
gleed -- love it!

October 01, 2006 9:59 PM  

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